Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Health Talk

The company always promotes Health Talk. Being in the pharmaceutical industry i guess companies are more inclined towards health talk to promote awareness.

Last month, we attended the 'Breast Cancer' talk which was held at our training room, organised by the Corporate Affairs. The title of the talk is "Breast Cancer Education & Awareness" by Breast Cancer Welfare Association.

Yes, i know most of the ladies nowadays are more exposed and knowledgable about breast cancer. I'm sure they read it from newspaper or magazines that teaches us how we can do our own breast self-examination to detect. We were given a slide-show about the awareness and i think there are more things that i do not know until we saw the slides which was presented.

That day, we were given a 'hands-on' session and they brought in a prostethetic breast and when we touched it we can feel a lump. As they said "Early Detection and Prompt Medical Treatment Can Save Your Life!!"

Today, we attended another health talk. Title : Prevention of Cervical Cancer and Genital Warts in the New Millenium. The speaker is : Dr. Norleen Mohd Salleh (O&G Consultant from Darul Ehsan Medical Centre). Brought to us by our Sports Club & Oncology department as their community service.

Cervical cancer is not so commonly known to me. But i do know that the late Anita Mui (Hong Kong star) passed away after having suffered from it. Today i can tell someone about cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is abnormal cell growth in the cervix. The cervis is the part of the uterus that connects the upper part of the uterus (the womb) and the vagina. Cervical cancer is a serious condition that can be life threatening. It begins when a woman becomes infected with certain types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV). If the immune system does not clear the infection, normal cells can begin to grow abnormally and turn into precancerous lesion. If not discovered early and treated, this abnormal cell growth can become cancer. Most often this can take a number of years, altho in rare cases it can happen within a year.
(The above fact is taken from the booklet of "Take Action against cervical cancer and HPV related diseases").

Options to help prevent cervical cancer and/or HPV infection :-

  • Regular pap tests
  • Abstinence from all sexual activity
  • Maintain monogamous relationship with someone who has had no other or few sex partners
  • Limit the number of partners you have and choose your partners carefully. The fewer partners your partner has had, the less likely he or she is to have HPV
  • Condoms may help reduce the risk of HPV infection but is not fully protective against infection
  • Vaccination with HPV vaccine
You can take action now.
Talk to your doctor today.
Tell someone. www.tellsomeone.com.my

1 comment:

fool for love said...

Hi there. I was googling Dr. Norleen as I am surveying for gynaecologists. Just wondering what your feedback was on the doctor? Was she knowledgable and have a knack at explaining? Was she warm? Appreciate your feedback if you dont mind.