I haven't got much to blog but saje-saje je nak bubuh gambar of the home-cooked food that i had recently.
Break-fast at MIL's place
1st day of Ramadhan, we (huby n me) break-fast at my mom-inlaw's place. We went there last minute but my inlaws n me did get the chance to whip up home-cooked food.
Cucur udang (MIL's appetiser speciallity) with home-made chilli sauce for dipping. Crispy on the outside but soft in the inside.
Teluk masak tomato (for the kids)
Lodeh masak jawa
Black-pepper 'bisto' beef with potatoes
Kangkung Belacan
Ikan Pari masak asam
Desserts were :
Pulut Hitam (to be eaten with santan)
Sago gula melaka with santan (SIL made, so sedap)
Some cakoi were the only ones that were 'bought'
Buka Puasa at my aunty's place. (Saturday)
She invited my parents and the whole family for buka puasa last week. She cooked simple kampung dishes.
Ikan Keli Goreng (not for me)
Masak gulai lemak 'daging, kelempung & perut'
Sambal udang petai
Sup sayur (brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, oyster mushroom, fishballs and soohoon)
Ayamas Roasted Chicken (my mom bought it to add the dishes)
For dessert, i made 'baked macaroni' which i terforgot to take its pics..hehe.
Buka puasa at my place (Sunday)
Last week, my parents, bro and his wife came to the house for an overnite. I only cooked 3 dishes cos my anty gave some of the extra dishes that she cooked the nite before.
I just cooked ikan siakap with special sauce, steam tauhu and mix vege with oyster sauce. For desserts, we just buy some savories from the shahalam stadium bazaar ramadhan.
Ikan siakap goreng with special sauce (my MIL's recipe)
To everybody, selamat berbuka posa! Dan Selamat Berterawikh. (Dah lama tak berterawikh, my tight got cramped recently, hehehe....itulah tak exercise!!)
Gulp! Semua best!!! esp. yg kat rumah your MIL.
hehehe...we just lurve food kan... :)
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