Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Reaching For The Stars

Have you read the book by Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar, the angkawasan? I read it last week and it warmth one's heart. Go buy the book and read it during your casual time, its affordable at only RM20.00.

The book, entitled 'Reaching for the Stars', is originally a piece of work by Sheikh Muszaphar’s younger brother, the late Sheikh Mustapha Shukor (Ajil), before his unfortunate death, few days after Dr. Muszaphar’s landing from the outer space.

After reading it, i guess Dr Muszaphar (Amus) decided to publish the book as a tribute to his brother. It is so amazing to see how close the two have been and they have a close unit family and i admire the way their father instilled disciplines to the 5 boys.

This story written by the late brother is depicting the journey of being the first Malaysian to reach the space. Ajil slipped into a coma after a fall and as fate would have it, he passed away after 'Amus' returned to earth. Ajil adored his older brother and has been the once who gave solid encouragement on this mission. Amus found transcript of what Ajil wrote about the journey and pictures of Amus pasted on the walls. Amus decided to finish the book with the help from other siblings and Ajil's wife.
At the end of the book, i've got tears in my eyes becos i think it is very touching. How GOD has HIS own ways to do things and like 'Amus' said, GOD has HIS own reason for everything!
"The touching effort to complete a labour of love interupted by tragedy" - quote.

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